Hope everyone is enjoying the drabbles! It’s time to meet a new author. This is her first time participating in a drabble war, so, let’s give a warm welcome to another one of our May participant’s, Misguided.Cullen. (You can visit her profile by clicking on her name)
Jess - Good morning and thanks for joining us Louise!
Rachel - *sips coffee and rubs sleepies from her eyes* G’mornin’ darlin’...
Louise - *bright eyed and bushy tailed from posting* Morning ladies!
Rachel - Thanks for joining us this moring Louise, how about we start with you telling us when and what you first wrote?
Louise - I started writing about a month ago, after SFFR had a plot bunny so I offered to write it! It's called Angry for Love. :3
Rachel - Just a fledgling then. Big props to you for jumping in and giving this a try. I hope it’s a fun weekend for you! We’ve been asking everyone, so we have to ask you too, if you could be any food, what would it be?
Louise - *looks at Rachel & Jess like they are nuts and then grins* I would be a bag of frozen peas 'cause they so chill.
Rachel - hahaha … nice answer!
Jess - Definitely original! So, Louise, can you tell us about your entry in the May war?
The Right Kind of Wrong
Louise - My entry is about Bella who is vacationing in London, mistakenly gives out a false name and deceives poor Edward, due to the encouragement of her best friends. Crazy, but kinda cute.
Jess - Oh, that sounds juicy.. lol.. can’t wait to check it out!
Rachel - Wow, crazy what your friends can make you do sometimes. *nudges Jess and winks*
Jess - *shoves Rachel back* We are not discussing how you are rubbing off on me right now *mumbles about not believing I am actually writing slash now* Louise...
Louise - *smiles* Yes?
Jess - This is one of our favorite questions this month... are you willing to share one of your most embarassing moments?
Louise - Probably when I shouted "fuck yeah, I know this" when answering a question in English Lit. and getting it completely wrong. Awkward!
*Rachel and Jess look around, trying not to laugh*
Rachel - That’s a different one... but on the bright side, I bet you NOW know it, and will never forget it! *giggles* So... are you in a relationship, have any kiddos... do we need to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day?
Louise - Single. No kiddies yet :D
Rachel - Ahhh... that explains why you are so happy and young looking!
Jess - Oh, let me ask the next one, I love this one!
Rachel - *laughs* Sure, go ahead, though I know you’re setting me up to ask that OTHER question a little later...
Jess - Ok Louise, if you could have any super power, what would it be?
Louise - The power to never gain weight and to turn fatty foods into healthy stuff. :)
Rachel - Oh snap! That would be fantastic! I like the way your mind works! So in that vein, do you write just for fun, or are you hoping to someday be published, if you aren’t already?
Louise - I love writing FanFic at the moment, but would love to get published one day.
Rachel - Okay, I get the porn question... Louise, your readers want to know... what’s your favorite kind of porn... you know, to read, watch or site to order those naughty goodies from?
Louise - FanFic is obviously full of lemons and the best porn, especially Fifty Shades of Grey ;D
Jess - Nice, so do you write for any other Fandoms?
Louise - Not really. I may do in the future, though.
Jess - Do you like Jerry or Tom?
Louise - Jerry.
Rachel - ANOTHER Jerry girl... poor Tom gets no love. Alrighty Louise, got any favorite fic recommendations you want to put out there?
Louise - Hit By Destiny by ocdmess is amazing! Terms and Conditions Apply by TheSaintsMistress is one of my favourites too!
Rachel - I’ve heard good things about HBD, hadn’t heard of Terms... *runs to add to the evergrowing TBR list*. Okay, one more question and we’ll let you get back to posting updates... If you could choose one celebrity to fuck... that is NOT a Twilight cast member... who would it be?
Louise - It would probably be... Alexander Skarsgard. He is just beyond words. ;)
Rachel - Oh my... you’ve got good taste. I definitely approve! LOL. And there we have it, another fabulous author with a fabulous story. Make sure ya’ll are reading The Right Kind of Wrong and leaving Louise some love, along with the other 5 drabblers! We’ll see ya’ll later today with our last interview for the May round of the war of the words!
Jess - It was great talking to you Louise... we’ll be back a little later with the last interview... :)
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