Rachel - Morning! Well...to Jess... it’s afternoon for you isn’t it dunedin girl?
Dunedin Girl - Hiya, Oh my God! Aye, it’s afternoon in Scotland and pissing down with rain since yesterday! How are you lassies?
Rachel Oh, an accent! This is going to be fun...lol. Doing good, blew off all responsibilities yesterday to veg with the hubs and catch up on last season’s True Blood... so I feel refreshed.
Jess - Doing okay... would rather be in here chatting with you two... than outside and finishing up mowing my lawn... lol... :)
Dunedin Girl - Jess, lawn mowing, seriously doll? And Bella, I don’t have a True Blood vice, BUT, I watched the kill bill films the other day, and I was thinking this is so COOOOOOOOOL!!!
Jess - Haha... well i’m a single mama... so I do it all around my house... blah.
Rachel - I could so jump on that one Jess *giggles*. Kill Bill is a fav here in my house as well. *makes note to self to get the oldest out of bed after this and send him out to mow*
Dunedin Girl - So fire away!!! The pic is awesome!
Rachel - Hehe... yep, we’ll sneak pics in as we go along... Okay, first basic question we’re asking everyone this time around in light of recent FanFail events... where can the readers find you?
Dunedin Girl - Right yeah, if you google Dunedin Girl Fanfiction, you should get my blog, I ‘ve not yet posted stuff on the Writers Coffee Shop, as I’m a lazy so and so. I have all my stories saved before they’re loaded so even an email, I can send everything through. Wow that was fast! And I’m pretty sure this bad boy is in danger of getting pulled but... we shall see!
Rachel - So in addition to the blog, for now anyways, you are on fanfic... dunedin girl
Dunedin Girl - I’ve neved used the Gdocs before and I’m in awe of the high tech - I have to say!! But yes, that’s my profile on FFN!
Rachel - LOL, you get used to it quick enough... we’ve found that it’s great for doing these interviews as well as writing/pre-reading/betaing all together. When we go missing from FB, we’re usually “in a doc”. Of course, any techie stuff I can pull off, I owe to Jess... she taught me!
Dunedin Girl - I’m not at all patient, so I like to experiment until I break stuff!
Jess - lol... ‘experiment and break stuff’... love it... and tb... I didn’t have to teach you much at all... :)
Dunedin Girl - Funny lassies! ha ha ha haha!
Rachel - poTAYto poTAHto Jess... yes you have! Alrighty DG, let’s start probing! You brought the lube right? If not, we’ve always got plenty on hand...
Dunedin Girl - Lube at hand, be prepared as the scouts have it! Fire away!
Rachel - Atta girl! Okay, When and what did you first write?
Dunedin Girl - I started writing wee poems at the age of 7-8. I still have it, it’s a poem about August, praising summer time (I’m from Greece, so it was in Greek) and the fruit. Teenage years, it became angstier.
Rachel - So you’ve been at it a while... very nice! And geez... you get all the luck... from Greece and now living in Scotland... I want to be you *pouts* So what was your first fanfic?
Dunedin Girl - First fanfic is called Despair, and it’s a story about star crossed - in quite the literal sense - lovers that go through time and lives trying to get together. It’s a bit supernatural, a bit angsty, a lot smutty and there’s a 210 year old Edward who’s not a vampire but sports a lovely Edinburgh accent! And Bella, you sure doll? Just got announced redundancies at my work...I’m not done with the story yet, but I have put it on hold to Drabble War with the others!
Jess - Oh wow... sounds really good... and we appreciate you Drabbling with the others hun!
Rachel - Sounds freakin’ fantastic! And yes, I’m sure... those are two of the places on my top five.
Jess - So... next question... since it’s one of my favs... What video games do you play?
Dunedin Girl - None. I have zero hand eye coordination, and there are way too many buttons on the X box. As for computer games - Sim City, because I’m boring like that.
Rachel - My hubs did Sim City for awhile... but I’m with you... too many buttons! LOL
Dunedin Girl - I’m pretty sure that if this wee gadget vibrated we’d probably be all over it!!! LOL
Jess - *snicers* they do vibrate... why do you think I play video games so much? LMAO!! j/k
Rachel - *gives Jess the ‘shocked’ face*
Dunedin Girl - I never knew you were so talented Jess - newfound respect!!! LOL
Rachel - Alrighty darlin’, the whole reason we are here today, can you tell us a little about what you’re creating for the June War?
Dunedin Girl - It’s a quite close to Twilight story, with Edward really struggling to be close to his singer and mate, and Bella taking a tad too far and feeling rejected. She attempts suicide and the rest you’ll read on the 22nd!
Rachel - Oh boy, angsty vamps... gotta love those! What’s it called? And will there be a HEA?
Dunedin Girl - First of all Duh! way to advertise my story! It’s called Love me ‘till the end of (human) life and I’m not sure these guys are pretty volatile. But just to give you a wee hint, I have to say Kill Bill has given me some inspiration.
Rachel - Ooh... you big tease. Okay, so we should come prepared with kleenex just in case?
Dunedin Girl - I‘ve cried writing it, so probably.
Rachel - Oh wow. I’ve only had that happen with one of my stories. Okay, mood getting heavy, let’s lighten it up a bit...
Dunedin Girl - My story got sponsored by Kleenex... Mwahahahaha!
Rachel - PMSL... didn’t know that getting interviewed came with corporate sponsors did you? *sigh* If only there was money in FF, alas, we do it all out of the good of our hearts...and maybe cause we’re a bunch of horny pervs.
Dunedin Girl - My agent handles the red tape.... LOL, There you go, that’s the truth there!
Rachel - Speaking of being horny pervs... the readers want to know DG, what’s your most erotic fantasy?
Dunedin Girl - Oooookaaaaaayyyy, probably as I’m a greedy cow is group sex where everything revolves around me?
Rachel - I don’t think that’s greedy at all... I think that sounds awesome! LOL I guess a subquestion to that would be, do you want all guys in this group, or are girls allowed too?
Dunedin Girl - Of course there’s girls allowed didn’t you read above? Please don’t tell me you need a headcount...
Rachel - Head count? Really... oh darlin’ you just opened yourself up to that one... LMAO. By all means, tell us how many HEADS you want in this group!
Dunedin Girl - Fine, have it your way, I want 2 girls and 3 guys. Are you happy now? Winks* (apply within)!
Rachel - HAHA... yes. Thanks for being so honest... should any emails come into the blog, we’ll put you in contact. *winks back*
Dunedin Girl - Aye, not so sure if the hubs will appreciate the sentiment...
Rachel - Let him be one of the three!
Dunedin Girl - Sooooo Jess, exactly how does that joystick work? LOL
Rachel - Hehe... yeah, she is being quiet on us...
Dunedin Girl - Next question, please?
Rachel - Sure, since you brought up the hubs, how long have you been married? Any kids, pets you want to tell us about?
Dunedin Girl - Just a little over 18 months, no kids, no pets, although I want a dog. When my writing career is happening.
Rachel - So you’re still in the newlywed phase pretty much... no wonder you’ve always got lube at the ready! And since you mentioned you’re ‘writing career’, have you been published or planning to be published? Or is fanfic just a fun thing for you?
Dunedin Girl -Och, well. Be prepared! Writing is what I want to do, fanfiction is a place where you can unleash the beast, so to speak.
Amazing fun, loving community, with some trolls here and there, but all good fun overall. I need to be working in one project at a time, so I never knew that my wee first fic would take such a ginormous size. But the characters talk to me after a while, and I’m just along for the ride. No contract yet, but soon.
Rachel - Well, we’ll definitely be keeping our fingers crossed that you get good news soon! Jess, do you have the next question ready?
Jess - Sure thing... cuz it’s that time where Rachel and I are gonna get a little nosey again... and we want to know... If we came to your home and looked in the refrigerator, what would we find?
Dunedin Girl - Tomatoes- Feta cheese - Beer - Sweet Red Peppers, and 4 kinds of cheese.
Rachel - Hmmm... *ponders a recipe to use all of those...*
Dunedin Girl - If you have prawns you can make an awesome greek dish. Kind of spicy, really nice. And drink the beer to wash it down.
Jess - You’re kinda making me hungry... not cool... lol
Rachel - Well Jess is the beer girl... I’ll cook with it, but won’t drink it. LOL. What’s this dish called? (cuz I love greek food!)
Dunedin Girl - Garides saganaki, let me fetch a pic.
Rachel - Damn! She’s onto us Jess.... lol
Rachel - That looks delisch!
Jess - Hahaha... she figured us out to fast tb... and it really does.... def not helping with that whole making me hungry thing...
Rachel - nope, not at all... I’ve only had coffee... but my daughter’s in the kitchen making blueberry pancakes right now and it smells GOOD.
Jess - Me too on the only coffee thing... so can I come over for pancakes? lol
Rachel - You bet... hop on a plane and get your booty down here!
Dunedin Girl - You can come over to mine for dinner!!!
Rachel - Sweet! Think we’re gonna need a private jet, Jess... why don’t you get on that?! *hums...leaving on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again...*
Jess - YES!!... tb we could just pack up and fly everywhere and do all these interviews in person! SCORE!
Rachel - Wouldn’t that be awesome! *hears DG clear her throat* Oops, sorry babe, okay, have you written for any fandom other than Twilight?
Dunedin Girl - I feel like you two girls might need a bit of privacy... LOL, and no I’ve not written for other fandoms. It was a random thing how I came across FFN in the first place, as Ms Meyer left us thoroughly unsatisfied at BD. I was absolutely raging: “4 god damn books and this is what she gives me!”
Rachel - Fade to black...thank god for fanfic! So backing up just a bit to the whole travel thing... if you could travel to any ancient place, where would you go? Greece has been our most popular answer, but as you’ve obviously already been there... I’m interested in your answer.
Dunedin Girl - That’s a hard one....Hmmmmmm. Maybe China, or Egypt, not so sure! Did you know that the chinese had invented the compass a full millennia before it was available in Europe. And the Egyptians had bloody batteries!
Rachel - China! That’s a new one... any particular part you want to see? And no, I didn’t know either of those facts... that’s very cool.
Dunedin Girl - You’re faster than me, doll, but I’ll catch up! I don’t know where, maybe a town, I have no clue!
Jess - Okay DG... are you ready for the most important question of the whole interview?
Dunedin Girl - Aye, go on then!
Rachel - I’m ready! And just want to point out, I shiver whenever DG talks...
Jess - *snickers* … are you sure DG... it’s a really big one...
Dunedin Girl - Spit it oot doll!
Rachel - Ahh.... so yer a spitter, not a swallower... *giggles* Sorry, carry on Jess.
Dunedin Girl - You ‘d love to find out eh, Rachel?
Jess - Okay... here we go... *deep breath*... How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
Rachel - We’ve left her speechless....lol.
Jess - *giggles*... you’re supposed to answer right away... we wanna hear about the first thing that pops up... I mean pops in your head...
Dunedin Girl - I’m researching, I didn’t even know Tootsie Roll. BUUUUUUT. ….
Why don't you ask Mr. Turtle, for he's been around a lot longer than I! Me, heheh, I bite!
Rachel - ROTFLMAO!! Nice answer! Since you did your own research, we won’t subject you to the video lesson...
Dunedin Girl - Souvenir from Scotland....
Rachel - HAHAHA... thanks darlin’!
Dunedin Girl - Thanks for all your time girls, it’s been an absolute pleasure....
Rachel - Oh, we’re not done with you yet... bwahahahaha. We’ve got a couple more questions...
Dunedin Girl - * Returns whistling with hands in pockets* I was so close...Ahhhemmm, yes ladies?
Jess - Quick... tb... tackle her... she’s trying to run away!
Rachel - Hehe... so close to what? *tackles DG* Okay, go ahead and give us a few recs of your favorite stories out there.
Dunedin Girl - Oh right, shite, they caught me....
*There is a Light by belladonnacullen is one of my absolute favourites
* A Pound of Flesh by jaxon22
* To Serve is Divine by texasbella... hahahaha
* I Want It Painted Black by Saritadreaming
* The Education of Professor Cullen by sheviking
* Isla de Cullen by CaraNo
* Please check my favourites for the rest and my own story!!!
Rachel - Awww... thanks darlin’!!! we’ll provide the FF link for now, but it’s going to be finding a new home over on TWCS.
Jess - *coughs* what happened to 2 or 3? *coughs* lol... j/k bb...
Dunedin Girl -I like my fanfiction what can I dae?
Jess - We all do... just trying to keep it from overload... ya know...
Dunedin Girl - I think that ship has sailed long ago... LOL
Rachel *snorts* Right? Okay final question, and it’s got two parts... this is where you get to let your imagination run free...If a movie of your life was made, who would play you? And who would you want to be your costar? *Note... Rob has already been contracted to two roles this month...LOL*
Dunedin Girl - Och well, if I were a movie I would like to be played by …..(are we being realistic here?) My costar would be definitely Ralph Fiennes circa Wuthering Heights. And I would be played by..... I dinnae ken, pal, someone brunette and hot?
Jess - *snickers* jsyk ---> http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dinnae
Rachel - I told you... let your imagination go nuts... *gasps* He Who Must Not Be Named? *snickers* Though, outside of THAT role, he isn’t too hard on the eyes.
‘dinnae ken’... and here I go dreaming of Jamie Frasier again...
Let’s see, someone brunette and hot...
Dunedin Girl - Not too shabby, eh?
Rachel - Oooh, she’s pretty!!! But I don’t recognize her, who is she?
Dunedin Girl - Gemma Arterton or something... I don’t look like that mind.
Rachel - That’s fine, this is all in fun! Well, Jess, Mrs. DunedinGirl Arterton-Fiennes, and readers... it’s been fun and I thank ya’ll for joining on us on the interview couch once again. Don’t forget to set your alerts for Love Me ‘Till the End of (Human) Life along with the other great drabbles that are coming your way. DG, we hope you had fun and remember, we still have one author to interview so the questions have to stay secret... or we’ll have to send Bill after you.
Jess - Thanks for chatting with us bb!! and thanks to all of you *points to readers* for joining us for the crazy again... we’ll see you back soon!
Dunedin Girl - Thank you ladies, it’s been a pleasure, and let’s all support the Drabble Wars!!!
You just had to post a picture eh?
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