Rachel- Welcome back all you devoted drabble dabblers! Well, last time we brought you a veteran pair, this time we have not only a War novice, but this author is officially popping her ‘fanfic cherry’ by writing this piece! How exciting is it that we all get to be here for her?! So happy to have you here Dawn!
Jess- Yes, Dawn, it’s great to have you here with us!
Dawn- Thanks guys, kinda excited, kinda nervous.
Rachel- You’ll do great, you’ve always been such an enthusiastic reader/reviewer, it’s about time you got to experience it from the writer’s side! So, since this is our first time having you here, we need to do the standard questions first! We’ll make it quick and painless, like a bandaid being ripped off... lol.
- What was the first thing you wrote and when?
- Do you write for any other fandoms?
- Have you been published? If not, is it something you would like to do?
Dawn- This is my very first piece ever written. No other fandoms at the moment. No Im not published, and no desire to.
Jess- That’s cool, so you are open to maybe trying some new fandoms in the future and it’s all for fun!
Dawn- Yep, pretty much :)
Jess- So, Dawn, will you tell us about your entry for the Drabble War? Title, pairing, are we going to need kleenex or fresh panties on hand? You know, the juicy stuff!
Dawn- Sure, it’s called A Soldier’s Heart and will be a Bella and Edward story. As for kleenex OR panties, let’s say you may need both. I say that because as this story is developing there’s some parts where you may cry and some parts where new panties could be needed. So Just have some on hand just in case.
Rachel- Okay, you’re going to be cryptic on us and make us just have to read! LOL. So, what do you fancy? Pick up to three stories you’d like to recommend, you know, the ones that always tickle at the back of your head.
Dawn- Hmmmm... let’s see... I’ll go with these three:
- Quiet Storm by SexylexiCullen http://www.thewriterscoffeeshop.com/library/viewstory.php?sid=4380
- The Ex-Factor by AngleAtTwilight http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4765157/1/The_Ex_Factor_Edward_Bella
- Boys and Their Toys By TexasRoseFanfiction http://www.thewriterscoffeeshop.com/library/viewstory.php?sid=6683
Rachel- *coughs* I like your recs! Thanks hun, it does my heart good knowing that True and I’s insanity opened your eyes and broadened your reading possibilities!
Jess- I concur, great choices Dawn! Okay babe, time for us to get really nosey! What’s your relationship status and do you have any kiddos?
Dawn- Happily married with 2 boys ( 9 years and 21 months)
Rachel- WOW! That’s an age gap, but at least you have a built in babysitter! LOL. So, Jess and I were wondering, you know, for research and all, if you could speak to one type of animal, what would it be?
Dawn- Dolphin, I just love Dolphins in general.
Rachel- I think dolphins are great... have always wanted to go swimming with them and Flipper was one of my fave shows as a kid!
Jess- Nice! Alrighty Dawn, we know you read, and you are now writing, but we’re wondering, what was the last movie you saw and would you recommend it?
Dawn- @ the movies was Magic Mike and HELL YES it’s a MUST.
@ home on the TV/on demand The Smurfs and yes a cute family movie.
Rachel- *sighs* I think I’m the only woman who has NOT seen MM yet, not for lack of trying though! So, that questions seques into the next one...*giggles*...Who is your celebrity crush (and you can’t say a Twilight ACTOR)? (I have to specify actor, not character, per Fran Fiction)
Dawn-Male Actors: Channing Tatum ( have had a thing for him for a while)
Joe Manganiello ( love him on True Blood)
Alexander Skarsgard ( I can only see him as Eric in True blood)
Jess- I’m sensing a theme here, Dawn. You like sculpted mostly naked men don’t you? Not that there’s a single thing wrong with that!
Dawn- Erm, maybe? *laughs*
Jess- *laughs* Okay, we got an eyeful of your crushes, now we want to know, if you could be any character in fiction, whom would you be and why? (Again, excluding Twilight)
Dawn- Such a simple question for me. I would want to be any female lucky enough to be bound with any of the Brothers from BDB (Black Dagger Brotherhood) J.R Ward is an awesome writer, and I wait patiently for the next brother book every year. If you haven’t read the series, Go out right now and start, I promise you won’t be sorry. True?
Rachel- *sighs dreamily while thinking of Vishous... and Rhage... oh and can’t forget Zadist...or Wrath or Butch or … *
Jess- *pushes tb* You’re drooling, that’s gross.
Rachel- Oops, sorry, but seriously, J.R. gives whole new meaning to the question “Oh brother, where art thou?” *tries to discreetly wipe mouth* So,um, yeah... oh this is an important question... we have to know... what’s the most important part of a sandwich?!
Dawn- Condiments
Jess- How right you are... without them, it would just be... dry. Okay hun, last one and then we need to wrap it up for this round... What would you do if you had a time machine?
Rachel- *looks at Dawn expectantly*
Dawn- I would like to go back to June of 2008. Knowing now that my aunt would die in August of 2008, and no one knew anything was wrong. I would love to have spent a little more time with her, and let her know how much I have loved and looked up to her.
Rachel- Wow, how very beautiful darlin’. And we’ll leave ya’ll with that thought to reflect on, if you could go back and do one thing, would it be for greed, for the world, or simply... for love?
Be sure to tune in this weekend to read A Soldier’s Heart along with the other pieces being written. I know Dawn is a USAF wife, so I’m quite looking forward to this!
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